Sunday, August 10, 2008

leyland cypress or leyland depressed?

Two of my leyland cypress and the 2 little giant arborvitaes seem unhappy....really unhappy. They are turning brown. I'll have to do a websearch to see if I can find out why they are failing. I am going to begin potting up the errant sea myrtle trees (Baccharis halimifolia) to add to the back outside of fence naturalized area. Those that I have planted are doing very well!

Today's garden finds include the return of blue mistflowers (Conoclinium coelestinum) and the buds of chaffheads (Carphephorus carnosus or Carphephorus corymbosus) finally showing their purple color. I also picked and ate a few of the ripened grapes which I think probably are muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia). They tasted rather nice.

I started using the beta site of the ISB Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants located at It is easy to use to locate the scientific names and determine if it is a native or not. There are also wonderful picture to help determine what the plants are and you can bring up by searching by county which helps limit the number of plants you need to weed through.

Mowing continues! Maple Av. natives here I come!

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